What is masslooking?

What is masslooking?

The newest feature of automatic promotion in Instagram is mass viewing of Stories. Few others know about it. So those who can jump into the first car will take off the creamiest. What is masslooking? Masslooking is an automatic viewing of other people’s Instagram Stories on behalf of your account.

What’s the point of this?

  • Live Subscribers. As a rule, people with a small number of Subscribers pay attention to everyone who has viewed their stories. And if you’ve watched a few thousand a day, some of them will like your account and you’ll get new subscribers. The essence is the same as with massfollowing, but so far few people know that watching their stories can be done automatically.
  • Increase in coverage. In addition to new people, you can mass view your own subscribers. We all like attention, and it’s doubly satisfying from Instagram’s “stars”. If an ordinary person looks at an account to which he or she is subscribed, it creates a feeling of “intimacy”.

How to get the maximum number of subscribers from mass viewing of Stories?

If you want to maximize your coverage and recruit subscribers in your Instagram account, create some additional ones and set up mass viewing of stories on behalf of these accounts, too. Form them in a similar style (cap, account name), make a few posts and stories, but in the account description give a link to your main one. Many bloggers now have an additional account with Instagram in case the main account is blocked. Therefore, the second profile does not surprise anyone and does not cause any particular suspicion. The main thing is to make it not empty, at least a little fill it up.

Account security

Before you start, be sure to check: the password, access to the linked phone number, access to the linked mail, access to the linked Facebook page. All this is necessary if the Instagram of program actions for massaging seems suspicious.

Limits and setting up of Mass Looking

The age of the account. Any programs and services of automatic promotion is better not to run on a brand new account (up to 3 months). What are the viewing limits per day? There is no official information and it is impossible to find it, because mass viewing is a “grey” method of promotion. Someone says to start with 3000-5000 automatic viewings of stories and you can go as far as 80000. All limits on mass viewing often take “out of mind”, so the decision is yours. Start with a minimum.

How do you build a base for your views? As with massfollowing – hashtags, geo-tags, subscribers of competitors (you just need to specify the names of the competitors’ accounts and the mass viewing service Stories will gather their subscribers). Masslooking will work well as long as there are not too many people who know about it. So it is better to try to run it now.

Efficiency of masslooking

Now let’s talk a little bit about why it’s so important to postpone all business and get busy immediately. Most people aren’t looking at the tape anymore. 80% of users prefer the Stories tab. There are two good reasons for that:

  • It saves you a lot of time. Flipping through 15-90 second stories is much faster. In addition, the freshest content is immediately reflected first.
  • Stories are more interesting. Pictures in the ribbon are boring, but live stories evoke genuine interest.

Such popularity of Stories – great luck for commercial accounts. Appearing among the viewers, you can cover a huge layer of active audience. Especially well this method has proven to attract the attention of people with a small number of followers, and, accordingly, viewing stories. This increases the chances that the account owner will notice you and move to the profile.