How to diagnose erectile dysfunction

How to diagnose erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a persistent impairment of potency in men, more commonly referred to as impotence. It is a delicate and sensitive topic, often associated with men’s health problems. A visit to a specialist who works in a trustworthy medical center in this situation will be the most correct decision.

Causes of impotence

Erectile dysfunction can significantly affect the harmony of existing relationships, and, as a rule, the last thing a man may decide to do to solve this unpleasant issue for himself – go to the doctor. Psychologically it is a difficult decision, but at the same time it is a necessary one. Clinic has all the necessary resources and capabilities to solve this and similar problems associated with men’s health. An initial appointment with a urologist implies:

  1. penile vascular dopplerography;
  2. interview, anamnesis collection;
  3. biothesiometry.

In the treatment of erectile dysfunction, shockwave therapy is used, which is carried out by contact using direct impact on the treated area. The procedure is painless, nothing is inserted into the urethra, and already after the first session the well-being improves.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, ultrasound diagnosis and laboratory tests are often used in addition to the usual techniques. Only a comprehensive approach carried out by urologists can give a complete picture of the causes of this disease. It should be kept in mind that the earlier the diagnosis is made, the more effective the treatment will be. You can also find different kinds of medications at This will help you to quickly solve the problem of erectile dysfunction.

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction is to determine its psychogenic or organic causes

Organic forms are treated by urologists, psychogenic ones by psychiatrists and/or sexologists. In the majority of cases, examination by a urologist is sufficient for the choice of treatment tactics.

  1. Physical examination. Examination, palpation of the penis and testicles, nerve testing for sensitivity
  2. Blood and urine tests. Checks the state of the cardiovascular and endocrine system, the presence of diabetes or other diseases affecting potency.
  3. Ultrasound examination. Sometimes carried out in conjunction with an injection of special drugs into the penis to stimulate blood flow. Thus, the blood supply of the organ is evaluated.
  4. Psychological test. Depression or other possible psychological causes of the disease are revealed.